Monday, 9 December 2019

The relevance of Shri Vitthal (Vitthal Mahatmya)

The parabrahma or the God of Pandharpur is adored and affectionately called by his aficionados with numerous names in various course of the time, as Pandharinath, Pandurang, Pandhariraya, Vithai, Vithoba, Vithumauli, Vitthal gururao, Pandurang, Hari and so on. In any case, today this God is notable as Pandurang and Shri Vitthal. Numerous students of history and specialists attempted to discover the etymological root of "Vitthal". A few researchers accept that it is a misshaped type of the first word Vishnu. The words like Vittharas, Vitta found in different Kannad epigraphs are fundamentally the elaboration of the word Vishnu. The Great Saint writer Tukaram characterizes the word Vithoba in one of his abhangas that means 'Information' + Thoba Stands for 'structure' Thus Vithoba represents the 'type of extreme Knowledge' or 'icon of extreme Knowledge'. It is additionally accepted that Vi represents winged animal Eagle + Thoba Stands for sitting spot, hence Vithoba represents the 'God who sits on Eagle'. Vithoba is God Vishnu, remaining on a block and laying his arms on his west. It is accepted that Shri Krishna, Shri Vishnu and Shri Vithoba are for the most part various names and types of the one and a similar God. Shri Krishna is known as manifestation of Shri Vishnu which occurred on Wednesday (Shravan Vadya Ashtami) toward the finish of Dwaparyuga. Vithoba is Shri Krishna as it were. Wednesday is known as the day of Vithoba. So lovers (varkari) of Vithoba never leave Pandharpur on Wednesday even at this point. 

There is a section in Purana, the sacred text of the Vedic religion 

Vi karo vidhatay, tha karo nilakanthay | 

La karo lakshmikant, vitthalabhidhineeyame || 


vi-Vidhata Brahmadev, 

ttha-nilakantha God Shankar, 


along these lines it prompts state that each of the three divinities Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are meant by one name Vitthal or are remembered for one God Vitthal. 

|| About the model (icon) of Shri Vitthal (Shri Vitthal Murtivarnan)|| 

Vitthal is generous for the oppressed and is bhaktakamkalpadrum and yogiyadurlabh. The figure is independent up of sand stone. He has top quite recently like crown on his head. It is referred to as shivlinga as it would seem that the shivlinga. Face of Shri Vitthal is long, cheeks are massive, his eyes are looking on a level plane straight. He wear's Makar kundale in his ear. A Kaustubhmni is there around his neck like jewelry. Shinke are on his back and on his shrivatsalanchhan. Angads are there on his the two arms and on his the two wrists he has Manibandhs. dya Shankaracharya composed a Pandurangashtak, where he portrays Vitthal as "Nitamba Karabhyam Druto Yena Tasmat". Shri Vitthal put his two hands on his midsection. In his correct hand he has a Kambal and in left hand he has Shankha. On his chest, there is where Bhrugurishi had put his feet. There is Vastra around his abdomen. Soga of Vastra is up to his feet. To his left side leg, there is indication of touch of a daasi. Along these lines this model is remaining on a block. 

This is the main blessed spot where one can contact Lord's feet or keep one's forhead upon Lord's feet. 

In Dwapar period, there was a ruler named Muchkunda. In the fight among Gods and devils, Gods offered him for help. Lord Muchkund battled courageously and made Gods Victorious. Divine beings were glad and approached him to look for gifts for him. He answered that he was peaceful and he required long rest. So he mentioned to secure his rest and to give him an abnormal capacity to consume, whosoever upsets his rest, to remains just by taking a gander at the guilty party. The lord was resting in one of the close by caverns. After certain years during the hour of Shri Krishna manifestation a major monster devil named kalyauvan propelled an enormous assault on Shri Krishna. The evil presence Kalyauvan was sent by another devil ruler Jarasandh. Nobody could slaughter kalyauvan by any weapon since he had uncommon power. Shri Krishna knew this. He took him admirably to the cavern where the King Muchkund was dozing. Shri Krishna tossed his mantle on the group of King Muchkund and stowed away in obscurity, so that kalyauvan would accept that resting individual is Shri Krishna as it were. Kalyauvan kicked the resting individual accepting that he is Shri Krishna. Subsequently lord Muchkund's rest was upset. He woke up and got amazingly irate on Kalyauvan. He tossed his sight on Kalyauvan which consumed Kalyauvan to cinders. This is actually what Shri Krishna was anticipating. After the sensational finish of evil presence Kalyauvan, Shri Krishna came before ruler Muchkund and clarified him all that had occurred. What's more, according to lord Muchkund demand, Shri Krishna conceded his talented intensity of sight to be proceeded with him. This King Muchkund just took resurrection as Bhakt Pundalik. He at that point rested in the spot named Dindir Van close Pandharpur. 

Shri Krishna wedded eight ladies. Rukmini, one of the eight spouses, subsequent to watching Shri Krishna sitting near another wife Radhika, so Rukmini got frustrated, went to Dindir van, and began reflecting (tapahshcharya) there. Shri Krishna likewise came in Dindir van looking for Rukmini and at last discovered her. There was another explanation additionally for which Shri Krishna landed in Dindir van and that is Shri Krishna's incredible enthusiast Bhakt-Pundalik was likewise living there, who was above all else Muchkund in his past life. Shri Krishna needed to meet him on the grounds that Shri Krishna is incredible admirer of his actual aficionado. Pundalik was dealing with his matured and sick guardians. 

After his marriage he has gotten a lady of his significant other. When he started his Kashi Pilgrimage following his significant other's desire. On their voyage to Kashi they remained in one ashram of extraordinary soothsayer Kukkut. Pundalik was exceptionally dazzled by the different attributes of the diviner Kukkut. Kukkut was having extraordinary forces. Waterway Ganges, Yamuna, Sarswati normally used to visit and serve ashram. This is the means by which the streams used to get refined their debasements which they got from miscreants washing in them. This was sufficient to connote the religio-profound intensity of soothsayer kukkut Pundalik came to realize that, the mystery of diviner kukkut's prosperity was his commitment and devotion to his folks. The Goddesses Rivers additionally lectured Pundalik the correct lifestyle. Pundalik was illuminated by that proclaiming. At that point he acknowledged to serve his folks for a mind-blowing duration at any expense. He came back to Pandharpur and began taking consideration and serving his folks.. 

By seeing pundalika's commitment to his folks, Shri Krishna was profoundly intrigued and couldn't avoid Himself from meeting Pundalik. Master Shri Krishna showed up in Pundalik's home yet Pundalik's didn't pay regard to Shri Krishna since he was occupied in serving his folks who were sick because of their mature age. Pundalik just tossed a block lying close by towards Shri Krishna for sitting or remaining as a convention and requested that he hold up there till he got free. (That block was Indra, stunned by revile by evil presence Vritasur. The bank of stream Bhima where this occurrence occurred appeared to be Dwarka. Master Shri Krishna is thought remaining there for upwards of twenty eight Yuga (times) only for every one of the individuals who are His actual lovers. The incomparable Maharashtrian holy person Namdeo says in one arati 

|| " … .to meet Pundalik genuine Parbrahma landed in Pandharpur." ||

वैदिक गणित - The Vedic maths (Sanatan Dharma)

इ॒मा मे॑ऽअग्न॒ऽइष्ट॑का धे॒नवः॑ स॒न्त्वेका॑ च॒ दश॑ च॒ दश॑ च श॒तं च॑ श॒तं च॑ स॒हस्रं॑ च स॒हस्रं॑ चा॒युतं॑ चा॒युतं॑ च नि॒युतं॑ च नि॒युतं॑ च प्र...

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